Monday, September 8, 2008

Happy Birthday Mase!

Happy 3rd Birthday to my super cool nephew Mason!

Uncle BB and I have loved you since you were born...

You have always been a great eater...

(Which may be why you are so helpful in the kitchen and such a good cook)

And you always look so stylish

You have great skill at building...

And you always look so stylish...

You are an awesome big brother and Oliver (and #3) are so lucky to be your little brothers...

You are a wonderful nephew and BB and I miss you and love you very much.



Sarah Heder said...

Claire, you seem to be the best aunt a niece or nephew could ask for! You're always making wonderful things for them and noting their birthdays. I think it's sweet! Makes me look bad to all my nieces/nephews. I gotta step it up!

Lisa said...

Happy Birthday Mason! Your Aunt Claire sure loves you a lot.

The Linabooty's said...

This is so sweet thank you Claire! As soon as we get the pckage I'll let you know:)

makaya larson said...

she is the sweetest aunt you could ask for!

Beth said...

So cute. You are an awesome aunt!!!!