Monday, November 2, 2009

She does exist!

Here she is.
We are 95% sure that we have a baby girl in there.
And now that it's been confirmed (95% at least) I can say- I knew it!
I had 3 dreams that I had a baby girl- and the most recent one was of our ultrasound appointment. The Doctor had said "I don't see a weiner, so it's a girl!" and I had said back to him- "Well, I already knew that." Plus, my overall feeling when I think of her was, you are a girl. I'd refer to her as "she" so often, that Caleb started calling her Caleb Jr, just to balance it out a bit.
All in all she is a healthy little baby. She has a heart with four chambers that is functioning appropriately. (They even color coded and showed us the blood pumping through) She has a stomach and kidneys and arms and legs and feet and hands all where is appropriate. We are so lucky.
So this picture is of her little face. And her big belly.

And then she arched her head back and we got this little profile with mouth and chin too!

And this one makes me nervous. Here she is facing the camera- head is now on the right (She was doing flips and twists and turns the whole time!)
She looks like a puppy or a jack-o-lantern to me in this one. I am guessing that what I think are puppy ears are actually her arms up by her head, but who knows.

The rest of the details that I can remember- She is about 11 oz. She is normal sized.
They did not change her due date.
Now off to break this spending slump I've been in!


Pam said...

yay for girls!! i knew it :) congrats!!

Sarah said...

Congratulations! Hope all is well!

Bekah B. said...

It is weird to think that she is inside of you, seeing you yesterday with not even a bump "US" magazine would find...and yet that cute little girl is in there, doing flips! I am so happy for you guys, can't wait to see her! Almost half way!

The Linabooty's said...

She is so cute! I love her already!

Beth said...

Congrats! She is going to be such a pretty little baby. Now you can think of names... or do you already have one?

Sarah Heder said...

That's funny. I said that I guessed it was a boy but that I'm always wrong. Ha! Ha! So, I guess I guessed right! Well, of course I'm biased, but I love that you're having a girl. You're going to have so much fun making clothes/accessories for her to wear!

Tanya said...

yay, that is so exciting, she looks perfect!!!

Rachel said...

yay! shes so cute!

makaya larson said...

I'm so happy all of her limbs are in "appropriate places" and I'm so happy she is a GIRL! Get ready for some hand me downs;)

Chris and Mari Spiker said...

YAYAYAY!!!!! I am so excited that its a girl!! Ahhhh I cannot wait! Congratulations!

Brent and Emily said...


Elise H. said...

This is so exciting, her little profile is precious! Cant wait to hear what name you guys decide on.

Chris Linehan said...

Congrads CB and Claire....finally another girl around here. Harmony can finally shop for Pink!!