Thursday, December 31, 2009

Jasper turns two!
We then had a birthday party for Ashton's son Jasper.

Of course there were party games-
Levi and Jasper playing Hot Potato

Stella helps Levi pass

Mason and Oliver

The game is played until someone starts licking the potato... haha

What's a party without dancing? :)
We danced to Christmas songs and Miley Cyrus of course

Jasper opening presents in his new Toy Story saucer chair


Make a wish buddy!

And finally, because we got a new camera to play with... here's a little photo shoot of Jasper
Lots of pictures, but there were sooo many good ones, and I want to make sure the family gets to see them all


The Linabooty's said...

those pics of jas are sooo stinkin cute! Chris and I got the flu too once we got home thanks alot for that gift santa!:) Had so much fun seeing you, C.b. and of course the baby she sure is a little wild thing
!:) love ya

makaya larson said...

Love these of Jasper and it's so exciting to see so many photos on your blog!