Sunday, May 17, 2009


This afternoon, I went to a hula and watched two of my coworkers perform.

Abby and Nikki are the two in the front. (Sorry for the blurry pics.)

At the end, all the groups came onstage together.

A teenage group of girls dancing with bamboo sticks.

The teacher was the old guy with the long white hair singing and playing the ukelele in the middle there.

All of the young girls had the same long hair extensions.
I'd like to see how I would look with that hair! haha.

Also, wish me luck- My first official softball game is tomorrow night (the game with my notorious slide was considered "preseason" I guess) If anyone would like to come by and cheer me on in person, the game details are below:

Game Time is 7:30 PM
Location: Gross Field #1
Address: 2814 W. Empire Avenue
Burbank 91504
(Go beyond The Empire Center and just past Buena Vista)


The Linabooty's said...

That hula looks awesome! Hope your game went well....keep your elbow up:)